Western Tel-Com, Inc. is dedicated to providing quality and reputable communication services to continue to uphold our current and future customers’ communication systems with today’s technology and marketplace standards.

Technical Services
WTC specializes in design and layout, installation, termination, splicing, testing, and technical support for a wide array of Telecommunications pathways. Our technicians are trained to ANSI EIA/TIA standard and supported by top of the line equipment and field managers. WTC Project Managers, while experienced, are kept up to date on Industry Standards and Practices through regular training seminars hosted by many of the telecommunications industry leaders such as BICSI, Commscope Systems, Hubbel, ADC and Corning Cabling Solutions.

Maintenance Services
Today’s market place demands a reputable company to maintain Fiber Optic Networks. WTC Will provide your network with an effective, efficient and reliable staking and maintenance service. WTC has a complete inventory of materials for emergency outage reports.

Construction Services
WTC specializes in the underground installation of utility cables, fiber optic cable, copper cable, electric cables, and coaxial cable using trenching, plowing, boring and aerial applications.