Wayne State University

Over the years, our company has done several projects for Wayne State University, including the Bio Science Building, Campus Backbone Network and the Education Building. These various projects help demonstrate the diversity and range of expertise that WTC has to offer to its clients. It also demonstrates that our clients are satisfied with our work and are happy to come back to us again and again.

Bio Science Building

The Bio Sciences building at Wayne State University houses one of the most important servers and networks on campus. The fiber optic connections and the horizontal copper station cables were critical for the access of crucial medical files not only in the building and on campus, but for universities through out the country.

The eight-story building consisted of 5 IDF closets and one MDF closet. Each IDF closet was connected back to the MDF with a 12-strand Single Mode Fiber and a 12-strand Multi Mode Fiber for data and a 300 pair copper cable for voice applications. Each closet was set up with freestanding seven-foot racks with 19 inches of width. Also included is the ladder racking going around each closet to distribute the station and riser cables smoothly. The station and riser cables exiting the closet are fire stopped according to all building and industry codes.

The building housed approximately 600 locations of either quad or dual outlets, which consisted of two or four Giga Speed 4-pair UTP cables. There are also a number of 'Super Jacks' located through out the building, which consist of 2-strands of SM fiber and 2 strands of MM fiber along with 4 Giga speed wires.

The Most Important Servers and Networks on Campus

The Bio Sciences building at Wayne State University houses one of the most important servers and networks on campus. The fiber optic connections and the horizontal copper station cables were critical for the access of crucial medical files not only in the building and on campus, but for universities through out the country.

Building Consisted of 5 IDF Closets and 1 MDF Closet

The eight-story building consisted of 5 IDF closets and one MDF closet. Each IDF closet was connected back to the MDF with a 12-strand Single Mode Fiber and a 12-strand Multi Mode Fiber for data and a 300 pair copper cable for voice applications. Each closet was set up with freestanding seven-foot racks with 19 inches of width. Also included is the ladder racking going around each closet to distribute the station and riser cables smoothly. The station and riser cables exiting the closet are fire stopped according to all building and industry codes.

Over 600 Locations of Quad or Dual Outlets

The building housed approximately 600 locations of either quad or dual outlets, which consisted of two or four Giga Speed 4-pair UTP cables. There are also a number of 'Super Jacks' located through out the building, which consist of 2-strands of SM fiber and 2 strands of MM fiber along with 4 Giga speed wires.

Campus Backbone Network

The implementation of the High Bandwidth Fiber Optic Backbone Network, linking 79 buildings on the Wayne State University campus, began with the letter of intent, signed in January of 1997. The project culminated with the final network acceptance from Lucent Technologies on September 30th, 1999.

In all, WTC worked and collaborated with over 98 project team members. The experience and knowledge gained on the 2 1/2 year project will benefit our organization for years to come.

The construction ground breaking began in 1998. Over 4 miles of conduit were constructed with an additional 3.78 miles leased from Ameritech. While pulling in over 26 miles of cable footage the WTC team crossed many obstacles. In all, they installed, terminated, and tested 3,672 strands of Singlemode and 1,284 strands of Multimode cable. The glass footage totaled out at 2,291 miles. The Load-balanced and redundant Hub to Hub Backbone is capable of handling up to 1.2 Gigabits per pathway.

Fiber Optic Interchange Cabinet

Advanced Communications Network Phase I:
Each cabinet in the main network closet for Wayne State contains 864 terminated fiber strands, 144 per termination module. This network pathway design offers a compact distribution system with a great deal of capability. Working closely with University staff, WTC installed and tested miles of fiber optic cable under the watchful eye of Lucent Technologies Coordinators. It should be noted that this design utilized both MultiMode (LED transmitters) and SingleMode (monochromatic laser transmitters) fiber optic cables.

Fiber Termination Module

Advanced Communications Network Phase I:
In this picture you can see the exposed termination panels mounted in the Fiber Optic Shelf. Each strand is terminated with an SC connector and locked in place. Notice the exposed and coiled individual strands in the bottom of the module. As part of their training, WTC fiber technicians are taught to leave "managed slack" which allows for limited closet modification should the need arise. Forethought is one step that WTC takes to ensure a quality and cost-effective fiber optic installation.

"This complex and difficult project was a very important project for Lucent Technologies and it can be said that Wester Tel-Com exceeded all customer expectations and proved to be an excellent and valuable partner."

Education Building

The Education Building at Wayne State University posed a great challenge for Western Tel-Com, Inc. The reason was simply the age of the building. The hard concrete walls and fixed ceilings made our Project Managers stay on their toes, along with our creative Lead Technicians.

The five floors were tough to connect using existing pathways for riser cabling, so Western Tel-Com, Inc. had to core some of its own pathways to connect back to the MDF. Of course the cores were fire stopped and sleeved up to industry codes. The new high-speed Giga-bit wiring to each workstation will make the professors and students in the Education program at Wayne State University happy for many years to come.

There were over 1000 locations of two or four wires per outlet. The building was wired with Avaya Giga-speed cabling and was certified for the Wayne State University 20-year warranty. This will ensure that for the future teachers at WSU, the information can be accessed at lightening speed. To the right is a 'Super Jack' consisting of 2 MM and 2 SM Fibers as well as 4 Giga speed wires.

A Great Challenge

The Education Building at Wayne State University posed a great challenge for Western Tel-Com, Inc. The reason was simply the age of the building. The hard concrete walls and fixed ceilings made our Project Managers stay on their toes, along with our creative Lead Technicians.

New High-Speed Giga-Bit Wiring for Every Workstation

The five floors were tough to connect using existing pathways for riser cabling, so Western Tel-Com, Inc. had to core some of its own pathways to connect back to the MDF. Of course the cores were fire stopped and sleeved up to industry codes. The new high-speed Giga-bit wiring to each workstation will make the professors and students in the Education program at Wayne State University happy for many years to come.

A Lightening Speed "Super Jack"

There were over 1000 locations of two or four wires per outlet. The building was wired with Avaya Giga-speed cabling and was certified for the Wayne State University 20-year warranty. This will ensure that for the future teachers at WSU, the information can be accessed at lightening speed. To the left is a "Super Jack" consisting of 2 MM and 2 SM Fibers as well as 4 Giga speed wires.


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