Van Andel Institute

The World Class facility known as the Van Andel Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was one of the more challenging projects WTC has embarked upon. In sheer numbers alone, it was impressive to say the least. 320 stations consisting of four Gigaspeed cables were installed in 10 Communications Closets.

A Success at the World Class Cancer Research Center

The TC's were brought together with 12 strands of Multimode and 6 strands of SingleMode Fiber Optic cable as well as 100 pair copper cable to accomodate voice applications. Each cable was color coordinated with each workstation outlet that was neatly placed above desk level to allow for easy user accessibility.

Numbers alone, however, do not tell the whole story. WTC Project Manager Tom Sparks worked closely on the project with Mr. Robert Duff of Duff Consulting Inc. who has over 35 years of Telecommunications experience.

The building was not only challenging, but extremely unique because each floor had to be customized for the cabling installation. "It was actually a lot of fun," Duff added, "Western Tel-Com was very responsive to the changes that occurred during the course of the project and the timelines that naturally go along with those changes."

The Van Andel Institute project has shown that, as all Telecommunications companies are trying to keep up with the fast paced changes of industry standards; WTC remains flexible, while making it's customers challenges it's top priority.

Desk Top Station

Desktop Connection Boxes

Each TC,13 in all, ended at the user stations. In this case the Institute decided on desk top connection boxes in the labs for ease of use, and standard flush mounted wall faceplates in the individual offices and common areas.

Separate Color Jacks

The jacks were separate colors. This serves several valuable purposes. First, it makes things easier on staff when moving equipment from one station to another. Second, it allows the IT personnel a more convenient and reliable method for tracking their network resource allocation due to the fact that the jack color matches the station wire color. Everyone involved agreed that this was a clever solution to the always present IT management issues.

"Your workmanship was outstanding, but even more impressive was how your crew worked on our premises."

Overhead Cable Suspension Tray

Ensuring Maximum Hardware Life

Many cable management trays were setup to run throughout the Institute complex. From left to right you are seeing corrugated interduct (containing the fiber optic cables), a 100 pair voice cable, and 4 color coded bundles of Gigaspeed data cable. Also notice that the cables are secured with velcro strips which will not chafe or crimp the cables ensuring that the Institute will get maximum hardware life for their investment.

Tele-Com Closet, Data Cabinet

Offering IT Personnel the Easiest and Most Efficient Way to Manage

WTC ensured rear access into a free-standing, fully enclosed data cabinet. This cabinet is structured to offer IT personnel the easiest and most efficient way to manage voice and data dispersion across each section of the massive network. From top to bottom is the fiber termination shelf, cooling fans, voice termination blocks, Gigaspeed data patch panels, and adequate space for rack mounted servers and routers. Security was not a problem with this network hardware choice because the cabinet can be locked, ensuring that only qualified personnel can access valuable equipment and data.


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